Torchlight 2 inventory editor
Torchlight 2 inventory editor

torchlight 2 inventory editor

If the same gamers were asked to name some of their favourite games of all time, quite a few of them surely would have said Diablo or Diablo II.ĭiablo III is rumoured to be on the way to store shelves as early as this November or December, but something interesting is happening… People are turning their backs on the game, but why? Aside from Blizzard throwing in some questionable new features and gameplay mechanics, the answer to the question lies in the year 2009 when a little known company known as Runic Games released an action RPG called Torchlight.

torchlight 2 inventory editor

If gamers were to be polled several years ago and asked who they thought were the best video game developers in terms of integrity and game quality, you can bet that the top three would’ve been Blizzard, Valve, and perhaps Bioware. Blizzard rose to fame by churning out RPG and RTS titles during the mid to late 1990s that were literally unmatched in quality, and it garnered them a lot of respect. These two names have become legendary in the gaming industry. Both will be great! So take anything that appears negative with a grain of salt.īlizzard Entertainment.

torchlight 2 inventory editor

I intend on buying it and loving it and anything that appears to be anti-Diablo below is simply done in an attempt to highlight what Torchlight has to offer as an alternative to Diablo 3 (or as a game that can peacefully sit beside Diablo on your desktop).

Torchlight 2 inventory editor